Taking it With You

Moving email between two systems using Email Saver requires that both systems are running a licensed copy of Email Saver. The best way to move email is to create a unique Outlook Express email folder of the same name on both systems.

You just right-click the folder you want to take and select the Copy option from the Pop-up menu, then choose your diskette, Zip, or formatted write-able CD ROM.

REMEMBER: Any folder you restore must exist in Outlook Express. If you restore a folder that has been deleted in Outlook Express, you must recreate that folder in Outlook Express using File|New|Folder. If you still don't see your restored folder, copy a message into it (Outlook Express does not actually create the folder until it has at least one message). Now press the Refresh button in Email Saver. When your new folder appears, right-click on it and select the Restore option. The saved file name does NOT have to match the email folder name.